A downloadable game for Windows

A small puzzle game about working minimum wage while having intrusive thoughts.

Developed in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 51

Ludum Dare Entry at: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/51/every-10-seconds-i-find-new-and-exciting-...

CW: Mental Health Stuff, Self-Hatred, Light Suicide Mentions.

Some of the sprites have been taken from MonkeyImage's GameBoy Style Home Interior Tileset (https://monkeyimage.itch.io/home-interior-tilesheet-gameboy-styled).

Font are from csanyk's Min Font (https://csanyk.itch.io/min-font) and Pixel Sans by SpicyGame (https://spicygame.itch.io/sg-pixel-font-package)


every10secondsifind.exe 190 MB


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This is a truthful, honest game about how jobs suck and people can fall easily into negative feedback loops about how much they loathe themselves.

Pretty good game. Wish more people played it.